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Metabolic / Nutrition

The nutrition team within South Coast Sports Medicine can assist with many aspects of nutritional treatment, including food intolerances, irritable bowel syndrome, eating plans, sports nutrition and guidance to a healthier lifestyle. Our aim is to identify nutritional, dietary and lifestyle factors that can be contributing to your symptoms or health condition.

Implementing nutritional changes can be difficult for an individual , but our university qualified practitioners can help with this process, giving advice based on scientific evidence to recommend an individualised treatment plan. The professionals at South Coast Sports Medicine will work in conjunction with your medical, allied health or natural wellness practitioners to provide pathways to achieve optimal health.

Our Range of Metabolic / Nutrition Services

ECAL Metabolic Testing

ECAL Metabolic Testing

ECAL Indirect Calorimetry is an evidence-based tool to manage weight and energy-related disorders including fatigue, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. The patient lies passively and breathes into a light mouthpiece for 10 minutes and the results are used to guide exercise and nutritional advice. ECAL primarily measures: Resting Energy Production – how many calories are actually being used during rest. Respiratory Quotient – how much fat and carbohydrate are

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Nutritional Medicine

Nutritional Medicine involves a range of areas including: Nutritional and Environmental Medicine Concerned with the interaction of nutritional and environmental factors with human biochemistry and physiology, and the resulting physiological and psychological symptoms and pathology. Treatment is aimed at correcting underlying causes as well as providing symptomatic relief. Lifestyle medicine The application of medical, behavioural, motivational and environmental principles to the management of lifestyle related health problems in a clinical

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Naturopath Warming Tea


Naturopathy is the combination of nutrition and herbal medicine, a completely holistic approach to health. Taking the time to listen carefully to your concerns means our naturopath is able to consider all aspects of your health, noting the subtle little signs the body shows when it requires more support.

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Nutritional Medicine


Why should I see a Nutritionist? A nutritionist considers your lifestyle, nutritional needs, food habits, likes and dislikes, and helps to organise your diet to not only meet nutrient needs but gain optimal wellness physically and mentally. Our nutrition clinicians see the value in real foods and understand that a ‘food’ in its complex whole state, complete with co-factors, fibre, and enzymes that help to absorb and assimilate the nutrients,

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